Location: Charlton

Petition of Northeast Energy Center LLC for Approval to Construct and Operate a New Natural Gas Liquefaction and Storage Facility Pursuant to G.L. c. 164, § 69J.
- Location: 304 Southbridge Road, Charlton
- Company: Northeast Energy Center LCC (Liberty Energy Trust = parent company)
- Partnership with Zap Engineering and Construction Services, Epsilon Associates, CASHMAN Preload Cryogenics, AWCO Engineering & Technical Services, Chart Industries, West & Sampson, Siemens Energy, Pierce Atwood, ODIN EPC,
- Agency: EFSB
- Docket Numbers: EFSB18-04, filed 8/31/2018, EFSB approved 10/21
- Final Air Quality plan Approval from MassDEP 11/21
- WPA form 5 -Order Of conditions from Town of Charlton Cons Commission/MassDEP -Wetlands 7/21
- Site work began spring 2022 facility planned to be in service summer 2023
- Description
- Consists of
- Liquified natural gas (LNG) Facility
- Feed gas pretreatment system
- Gas liquefaction system rated at 250,000 gallons/day
- 2-million gallon full-containment
- Field-erected LNG storage tank
- LNG truck-loading station with four bays
- Ancillary systems
- Control room building, power distribution & control building, nitrogen compressor building building, LNG truck-loading station shelter
- 5,400-linear ft gas interconnection pipeline extending from new tap off existing Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) interstate pipeline on 190 Southbridge Rd
- 10 in diameter coated steel pipeline
- Use horizontal directional drilling for installation
- gas meter station at 190 Southbridge Rd
- monitor/control gas flow from TGP
- Liquified natural gas (LNG) Facility
- NEC filed project change Sept. ’22; includes TGP meter station & lateral
- Consists of
- Graphics
- Article contains graphic rendering proposed facility and other graphics: https://www.telegram.com/story/news/local/south-west/2018/11/04/100m-lng-plant-proposed-on-route-20-in-charlton/9330355007/ (Telegram & Gazette)
- Links
- News
- MEPA does not require preparation of EIR for Northeast Energy Center (Aug 2020)
- Siemens Energy selected for NEC’s LNG plant in Charlton (Oct 2022)
- FLC Infrastructure Partners with Liberty Energy Trust to Construct Northeast Energy Center (May 2022)
- Over town objections, $100M Charlton natural gas pipeline and facility slated for final approval (Oct 2021)
- Charlton residents voice concern over proposed LNG facility (May 2019)
- Opposition groups
- Easthampton Climate Action
- Monitor Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker (Global Energy Monitor)
- Food and Water Watch