
Re-Constituting Constitution?
Trump has already signed an order declaring the US is in the grip of an energy emergency that could help propel the venture. Trump also floated the possibility of using eminent domain authority to get the pipeline built, if necessary.
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Current Major Projects

We Believe that Clean Air is a Right.
No Fracked Gas in Mass believes that no one should have to live in a community where their health is at risk simply from the air that they breathe. Peaking power plants must convert to renewable and clean alternatives.
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Another Pipeline?? Enbridge’s call for bids for increased capacity on its Algonquin Gas line has fallen quiet, but stay tuned.
Join No Fracked Gas in Mass in pressing your Governor and other state energy and climate leaders to deny any state permits for this project! »Read more

Health Risks of Fracked Gas Infrastructure
The health risks associated with fracked gas and fossil fuel infrastructure are under the radar as far as regulators are concerned. No Fracked Gas in Mass is working to bring reform to the way regulators consider projects for approval. »Read more

What’s the Matter with Hydrogen?
Currently, most hydrogen is made from fossil fuels, requiring so much that using it has similar overall emissions to using coal, oil, or gas directly. »Read more

About Battery Storage
Battery systems can be used to store energy from renewable sources, like wind and solar, to be released when the electric grid needs extra power. »Read more
Our Current Mission: To stop pipeline and other fracked gas infrastructure projects in Massachusetts, and challenge existing emissions sources by providing an informational hub and networking information to help citizens stay informed and engaged in the regulatory and legislative process, and actively engaged in efficiency and renewable energy initiatives.
Our Broader Mission: Originally created to stop the now-defeated Kinder Morgan Northeast Energy Direct pipeline, our mission continues to be to stop the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure in the Northeast states and to promote energy efficiency and sustainable, renewable sources of energy and local, permanent jobs in a clean energy economy. We also monitor and inform on other pipeline and energy related news and help other communities across the US who are facing the similar threats from similar projects.
What We Are Doing
- Informing grassroots campaigns across the state, showing where fossil fuel infrastructure is planned, where the areas of concern are, what the possible impacts would be and why it’s not necessary and an unfair economic and ecological burden.
- Organizing the impacted landowners, towns, concerned citizens, and others to resist fossil fuel infrastructure projects
- Creating space for groups and individuals to find and share information, organize, collaborate, and plan
- Networking with elected officials, regulators and clean energy experts to help form strategy for transitioning to a clean energy economy, creating local, permanent, climate-friendly jobs