No Fracked Gas in Mass Seeks Campaign Associate for EE Pittsfield Campaign

Volunteers Always Welcome!
No Fracked Gas in Mass always welcomes your ideas and skills to help our push against fossil fuels and for clean energy. We can always use help tabling at events, making informational graphics and videos and assistance researching clean alternatives to energy needs and plastics. Send us a line with your area of interest and skills and we’ll investigate how we can work together!
Contact Rosemary Wessel, Program Director
Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) is an equal opportunity organization and will not allow discrimination based upon age, ethnicity, gender, national origin, disability, race, color, veteran status, marital status, size, religion, sexual orientation, LGBTQ+ status, socioeconomic background, or any other characteristic protected by law. This applies to the people we serve, our volunteers, our staff, our interns, and our Board of Directors.
Visit to learn more about BEAT!