About Battery Storage
Battery systems can be used to store energy from renewable sources, like wind and solar, to be released when the electric grid needs extra power.
Battery systems can be used to store energy from renewable sources, like wind and solar, to be released when the electric grid needs extra power.
In case you’re just catching up, COP is an international climate meeting held each year by the United Nations. The name stands for “Conference of the Parties,” meaning those countries who have joined the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Parties to the treaty have committed to take voluntary actions to Read more…
We’re experiencing a period of conflict around the globe more intense than any we’ve seen in recent years. One reason for this? Climate change, which is now recognized as a threat multiplier to international peace and security. When people are under the stress of environmental degradation caused by the climate Read more…
Virtual power plants (VPPs) are networks of hundreds or thousands of households and businesses that agree to share the power of their thermostats, electric vehicles (EVs), appliances, batteries, and solar arrays to support the grid. When these devices are combined and coordinated, they can provide many of the same energy Read more…
Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, poor and marginalized populations have borne the brunt of the toxic byproducts of industry. Low income neighborhoods are generally cheaper to build facilities in, and the people who live there have little power to object to the degradation of their environment. Often they Read more…
No Fracked Gas in Mass and BEAT do not have bandwidth to organize transportation to the march, but we’re happy to connect you to organizers in the region. See this info from western MA, CT and Albany, NY. If you know of other organizers in the area, please send info Read more…
Carbon dioxide (CO2) pipelines are essential components of carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems which are proposed to reduce atmospheric emissions of man-made CO2, a greenhouse gas. This in spite of the fact that despite extensive support, of projects that seek to commercialize carbon capture and sequestration technology, 80 percent have Read more…
Replacing peaker power plants with clean energy solutions represents one of the most important environmental justice opportunities in the country. Accelerating the retirement of polluting, fossil-fuel peaker power plants and replacing them with clean, cost-effective alternatives, such as energy storage, renewable generation, transmission, energy efficiency, and demand response brings benefits Read more…
Our energy needs can be supplied sustainably. Wind and water, heat and light from the sun, and the geothermal heat in the Earth are all energy sources that can supply our needs using technology that is available today. Most importantly, they represent our best hope in the fight against climate Read more…
Why is propane being discussed as an option for heating buildings?Propane is being proposed as a heating solution for buildings in Massachusetts by the fossil fuel industry despite the fact that propane is a fossil fuel that produces carbon dioxide (CO2) when combusted. Burning any fossil fuel for heating won’t Read more…